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MUFON has truly become a second family to me! A big thank you to all those who have been wonderful mentors.

I joined MUFON in 2012. In August 2013 I became a STAR Team Investigator (Strike Team Area Research), in July 2017 I was asked to be part of the SAT Team (Special Assignment Team). December 2019 I became the Assistant State Director for Colorado and in November 2020 I became Colorado MUFON’s State Director and served in this role until December 2023.

Investigating and research are my passion. I believe that we can only move this field forward with hard work, collaboration and consistency. Getting out there and doing the work, collecting the evidence and conducting interviews is what I strive to do. I always document my findings, collect and analyze evidence scientifically and back up my research with documents whenever possible. Most cases are solvable. I can determine with a high degree of certainty what the witnesses are seeing in more than 80% of my cases. However, when I do have an unknown, it’s truly an unknown. Meaning, I have done everything I can to find a reasonable explanation for the sighting, but was left scratching my head.,

The MARRS Team

MUFON’s Archive Research Reporting System

The Pandora files

In 2006 James Carrion heads up the Pandora Project. They digitized over 9,000 files which contain “old” case reports and newspaper clippings. A file can contain anywhere from 1-400 pages. The material came from the early days of MUFON, CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) and donations from Walt Andrus and John Schuessler.

The Evolution of MARRS

2014-2015 Clifford Clift and Debbie Ziegelmeyer named and categorized the Pandora files.

2016 Ken St. John created the MARRS system.

September 2017 Katie Griboski becomes MARRS Administrator/Team Lead of 15 redactors.

The MARRS Team

MARRS team members are responsible for obscuring all personal and sensitive information from documents. All contact information is redacted including, names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, occupation and places of employment. All documents are read over twice!

Ken St John, Peter Derrick, Gerry Buss, Katie Griboski, Roger Samuels, Debbie ZiegelmeyerMUFON 2019 Symposium, Irvin, California

Ken St John, Peter Derrick, Gerry Buss, Katie Griboski, Roger Samuels, Debbie Ziegelmeyer

MUFON 2019 Symposium, Irvin, California